R1 Functions in overview

The following is a summary of the functional modules of R1, including
information about the R1 Reports and Definitions.

Rental Reservations
Rental Reservation allows the entry of rental reservations, checking into the availability of items/equipment and saving the reservation data to be
converted later to a Rental Order. Reservations are a soft commitment from the customer. Quotations and Rental Agreements can be printed from the Rental Reservation.

Rental Orders
Rental Orders allows the generation of new rental orders, for
items / Equipments as well as services to be delivered. The invoicing for
rentals works from the data in the rental order. Queries are provided for the status of rental orders and stock out-on-rent and the equipment usage

Equipment Data and Usage
This module contains the Equipment Master Data screen which captures and displays all the data for the equipment. There are multiple tabs enabling a large variety of data to be retained and seen. The module also tracks the usage and life of these equipments.

Equipment Inquiries and Reports
This module contains the queries and reports about the equipments, their
status, the replacement analysis, and analytical reports.

Services Scheduling
Labor Scheduling performs assignment of individuals to a Service Order
within a Rental Order, and allows the user to check the availability of labor
resources over a selected week as well as review the total labor resources demand for all rental orders.

Rental Returns
Rental Returns performs the rental returns transactions, rental inspection
and repair orders. This module also provides the ability to query all rental
orders that are due to be returned.

Service Orders
Service Orders allows the entry of service orders and employee time sheet
for actual hours worked and expenses worksheet.

Repair Orders
Repair Orders allows the entry and completion of repair orders, including
parts and labor. The charges for the Repair Order are entered as a line in the Rental Order and billed in the next Rental invoice. Repairs can also be
charged to an internal repair account, depending on the selection made at
inspection time.

Rental Invoicing
The invoicing is a two stage process. R1 allows the user to preview and edit
the draft invoices that are due to be generated and then generate all the final rental invoices. It also permits the generation of internal invoices to another division in the company.

A number of standard reports and print documents are provided in the
Reports module. All reports are developed using SAP Crystal Reports.

In addition to the on-line inquiries that can be performed in R1 relating to
Reservations, Rental orders, Rental returns and Rental invoicing, the printed documentations like the Rental Agreement, Pick Lists, Delivery ticket, return pickup ticket printouts have been added to the standard menu of Reports, contained in the ‘Reports’ module of SAP Business One.

Users of R1 can deploy Query manager or Crystal Reports to generate new
reports, in addition to the standard reports provided.

Definitions for R1 in ‘Setup’
Under the Administration module of SAP Business One, B1 users will be familiar with the requirements for the setups relating to Inventory, Sales, Purchasing, Financials, user privileges and access etc. All system configuration and parameters are defined in the SAP Business One
Setup. M1R1 has added a complete list of R1 Rental setup requirements in the SAP Setup menu. This setup data is required to be entered and to manage the R1 pre-defined data and workflow configurations, which will integrate with the other system set-ups for SAP Business One.
R1 users can pre-define workflow parameters and data such as Item Rental
Charges Matrix, Rental Line Item Types and Expense Types, Charge rates for services and Discount Programs for full R1 Rental administration and
settings for your rental business operation.